Introducing GroomyStore's Loyalty Program: Shop, Earn, Save!
Introducing GroomyStore's Loyalty Program
Shop, Earn, Save!
We've got some purr-fect news for all our dedicated shoppers at! Understanding the love and care you shower on your furry friends, we believe in rewarding your trust and commitment.
GroomyStore Loyalty Points: Every Purchase Counts!
As a token of our appreciation for choosing us as your preferred online pet store, we're thrilled to introduce our brand new Loyalty Program. A system where shopping leads to saving!
How does it work?
It's simple and straightforward!
- Shop & Earn: For every dollar you spend on our online store, you earn 1 GroomyPoint.
- Save on Future Purchases: Accumulate your GroomyPoints, and when you hit a milestone, enjoy discounts on your next purchase. For instance, collect 150 GroomyPoints and get a whopping $3 off your order.
Why Join Our Loyalty Program?
Apart from the obvious savings (who doesn't love those?), being a member of our loyalty program ensures you're always the first to know about our special promotions, exclusive product launches, and so much more!
At, every purchase brings you one step closer to your next discount. With our Loyalty Program, we aim to make your shopping experience not just delightful but rewarding in the truest sense.
So, what are you waiting for? Start shopping, start earning, and enjoy the many perks of being a loyal GroomyStore member. Your pets will thank you, and so do we! 🐾❤️
Happy shopping and happier savings!